Saturday, June 27, 2015

  1. What age does a budgie live to?
  2.                          An important thing to know before buying oneself a pet bird is the maximum life span of the wanted species. In case of a budgie, one can expect the birds to become 10 to 12 years old if one treats them in an ideal way. But normally, budgies do not live that long.Most of the birds live for only five to ten years

Friday, June 26, 2015

Budgie's Food (in Sri Lanka)

  • Budgeri
  • Canary Seed
  • Corn (Bada irigu)
  • Rice (Vee)
  • Fruits
  • Vegitables
  • Shell Dust (Sippi katu kudu)
  • Leaves (pala warga)
  • Sun Flower Seed
  • Egg Food
  • Cuttle born
Cuttle born

Budgeri and Rice


Hi Friends,

             If you like to get information about Budgies in Sinhala Language I will give that.

Budgie SL

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Easy ways to Buy a Budgie Bird In Sri Lanka

Visit the pet shop


Visit the

Is Your Budgie Escaped to Outside?

Indoor Escape
1.    Close all windows in the house. If the Budgie is staying in one room close the doors to contain it.
2.    Set up the bird's cage and put some of it's favorite food in it. Just securing the area and waiting for your Budgie to return to its cage is often the best option.
3.    Approach your Budgie and determine if you can pick it up by hand. Remain calm as you approach it. Do not attempt to grab the Budgies are fragile and easily injured.
4.    Spread a sheet out between your arms and attempt to herd your Budgie towards its cage. If doesn't work, you can gently toss the sheet over the Budgie to capture it. Gently gather up your Budgie in the sheet. Unwrap the sheet slowly and grasp your Budgie lightly in your hand. Return it to the cage.
Outdoor Escape
1.    Acquire a recording of a Budgie. Sounds of other Budgies will work to attract your bird back to its cage.
2.    Spread your Budgie's favorite seed in the bottom of the cage. Your Budgie most likely will not fly too far from home so place the cage near the exit it escaped from.
3.    Prop open the door of the cage with a small stick and attach a string to it. Trail the string back inside to where you can easily see the cage.
4.    Play the recording of the Budgie and sit and wait. With any luck your escaped bird will be attracted back to the cage.

5.    Pull the string to close the door once the Budgie has returned to the cage.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


 Diseases of Budgies

French Moult
When aviculturalists say that a bird has ‘French Moult’, they are usually referring to a parrot, often a budgie, that has what are called dystrophic feathers. These feathers have persistent feather sheathes, numerous fret marks, blood and inflammatory debris in the feather shaft, are generally stunted, and wear prematurely.

Egg binding
         Egg binding is when a bird produces an egg and cannot lay it. There can be various reasons for the occurrence of egg binding. Egg binding is very serious, and an avian vet must be consulted right away if you suspect your bird may be egg bound.
       Egg binding is a serious condition that will almost certainly result in death if an avian vet is not consulted. The reason that it is so fatal is because of the pressure an egg can put on the surrounding organs. A bird has all its organs stored in such a small area, as the body cavity of a bird is so small. An egg that is inside a bird for too long can put pressure on the kidneys, liver, and nerves. Pressure on the kidneys and liver can stop them from working properly, resulting in increased toxins in the blood that can cause death.

What can be done? 
If you are unable to 
get your bird to a vet straight away, there are small things you can do to help your bird. Heat will help the muscles in the oviduct wall contract, and it is a good idea to keep your bird warm by placing a heat pad under the cage floor where she is sitting so that the bottom heat can help her. DO NOT put the heat mat inside the cage itself, as you don't want to burn or overheat your bird, especially if she is unable to move. The heat pad must be secured to the underside of the cage and only on one side to create a thermal gradient - a warm end and a cold end.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How to Tell the Age of a Budgie?

A- Look at Budgie’s head. In a young budgie, one of less than 3 or 4 months, he’ll normally have a completely stripey head. As he gets older, the stripes on his face and forehead are replaced with plain patches of color or pure white. 

B- Look at Budgie’s eyes. The pupil will be black but the surrounding iris changes color. In budgies under 4 months old, the entire eye will be black. Between 4 and 8 or 9 months, the iris will be a little paler. Very pale irises usually indicate a bird who has reached the grand old age of at least 8 months.

C-  Look at Budgie’s Ceres Young Budgies ceres are pinkish, almost translucent. Adult Budgies have well marked cere colors. It is blue in males and chalky white to brown in females.
Exception: Recessive pied and ino males retain their translucent pink cere. Always check other pointers.

 D-  Look at Budgie’s Throat spots Baby Budgies have small, irregular throat spots. Adult Budgies have round well defined spots.

How to Ensure your Budgie is healthy?

     Choosing a healthy budgie is important for variety reasons. First and foremost you want a healthy pet.  Second, you want to ensure your budgie does not carry any diseases that could spread to your other birds. Budgies are really good at masking their illnesses and many budgies show signs only when they are extremely ill or near death.   Because of this, you need to know a few things to help minimize the chance of purchasing a sick Budgie.

Here are a few rules to ensure you pick healthy breeders or pet budgies.

  • Always make sure all budgies are active.
  • The budgie should tighten its feathers when you approach the cage.
  • There should be no nasal discharges.
  • The vent should be clean.
  • The feathers should be in good condition( sleek, shiny, and smooth)
  • The feet should be clear of any mites.
  • Your parakeet should not show signs of scaly face.  The beak and toes should be clean and smooth; there should be no deformities or growths.
  • Purchase parakeets form reputable breeders.  Ensure their facility is clean and their food and water bowls are changed daily.
  • If you have any questions about your bird’s history, ask because you can never be too sure.  Ask to check their records as well.  A good breeder keeps track of every bird they breed.

Monday, June 22, 2015


How to Find Your Budgie Male or Female?

      If your budgie is immature or less than 4 months old, the cere is usually pink. The cere on males will slowly turn blue and females will keep the pink with white circles or turn completely white.

      If your budgie is between the ages of 8 and 10 months, the cere is most likely a bright pink or purple color, but will settle into a set color around 1 year.

Anatomy of the Budgerigar Bird


          The budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) also known as the Budgie.Budgerigar is a small,long tailed, seed eating parrot.

          Budgerigars are the only species in the Australian genus Melopsittacus.Budgerigars are naturally green and yellow with black, scalloped markings on the nape, back, and wings, but have been bred in captivity with colouring in blues, luminous blue, whites, yellows, greys, luminous green and even with small crests.

          Budgerigars are popular pets around the world due to their small size, low cost, and ability to mimic human speech.The species was first recorded in 1805.Today is the third most popular pet in the world, after the domesticated dog and cat.